
Thanks to Best British Spanking for this short post

With the world of British spanking in a bit of a turmoil at the moment I don’t know how some of the English spanking film producers can be having a very good Christmas. I will not go into it all here, if you want more info on that and want to help the situation then […]

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The fight for freedom of expression

Sometimes when an organisation does something without thought or without consulting and without any tangible and valid reason it leaves itself open to there being a backlash. This is a good place to link to Backlash who as they say “Backlash is an umbrella organisation providing academic, legal and campaigning resources defending freedom of sexual […]

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What the Mirror says

Thanks to the Mirror for once again being ahead of the game. It is always interesting to see what the main stream media think to any given situation, sometimes you get knee jerk reactions sometimes you get reasoned well thought out comment, for this reason and when you get reasoned comment I am sure they […]

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Relating to yesterdays news update there is now an official petition which everyone who respects their freedom should sign. Do not worry about giving the few details asked for these are full confidential but this petition could mean that this anti liberty law gets looked at again and hopefully some changes made. Below are details […]

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The lunatics are running the country

It always was thought that in the UK we were relatively free from unwarranted censorship and the imposition of other peoples ideals and ideas on us. I remembers Lady Chatterley, “the trial of” and the ridicule that came the way of our justice system and then I honestly though that we had gotten past all […]

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