
Age Verification Live on Sky News

We are printing in full the post from Pandora Blake as it clearly lays out the situation that will greet all of us come April if the government bring in their aget verification law. Unlike Pandora however we do not agree with anyone, government or private company having the right  to censor the internet and […]

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British Government set to hand over Age verification to “internet pirates”



MindGeek, the biggest internet pornography company in the world has told Sky News it will not snoop on the sexual preferences of 25 million people in the UK under new age verification laws.

However, MindGeek also plans to collect a trove of information on users, including their names, addresses, date of […]

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[Show as slideshow] Pandora Blake is one of the most articulate and vocal campaigners against the DEBill {Digital Economy} and against internet censorship. Please take time to look at this short film made by those involved in the spanking industry. Help defend all our liberties and our fight for sexual freedom. Please take our RSS […]

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