
Blog Roundup

OK so no more nasty news at the moment we therefore have the time to report on the latest blog updates. It does seem to me that there are fewer blogs around and we have asked blog owners to email us and we will feature their blogs, but so far not a very good response, we had hoped for better but there you go.

Lets take a look at The Chiefs Spanking Blog, he always has some interesting things happening, not too sure about those pained faces though. I did like this update but there again I love anything with the amazing Amelia Jane Rutherford in it.

Cheerleader Spankings – The Dramatic Brat
Starring Amelia Jane Rutherford & Joelle Barros

Assistant coach, Joelle Barros, calls in new girl, Amelia for a private meeting during practice. Joelle has a few issues with the new British girl’s terrible attitude. Amelia has been wearing her game uniform instead of the plain practice one everyone else uses. It unsettles the other girls as she knows this causes friction in the squad. Joelle also knows she is dealing with such an annoying brat so insists that she take a good old fashioned spanking. Amelia complains and grumbles rather too loudly so she is further humiliated with her cheer panties pulled down getting spanked over coach’s lap. Earlier, Amelia had been brushing her hair whilst talking to Joelle, something which the coach had noticed and it had irritated her so decides to take the punishment s a stage further. She pushes this annoying dramatic brat further over her lap so Amelia is uncomfortably face down, ass up… getting her bare bottom whacked harder! Joelle only finishes the punishment when she is ready and ignores the continual whining from the new, embarrassed British cheerleader. This ordeal only ends when Amelia accepts her poor attitude and behaviour is wrong and that she will be a more valued member of the squad! 

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